A Bibliography on the subject of “Education in India” with emphasis on the South Prepared by Sundar Ganesan and R. Prakash, Roja Muthiah Research Library, Chennai


Adam, William. Adam’s Reports on Vernacular Education in Bengal and Behar, ed. by Rev. J. Long. Calcutta, Home Secretariat Press, 1868.

Alston, Leonard. Education and Citizenship in India. London, Longman Green and Co., 1910.

Altbach, Philip and Kelly, Gail (Eds.). Education and Colonialism, New York, Longman, 1978.

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Basu, Anathnath. Education in India : a brief review, Calcutta, Orient Book Company, 1947.

Basu, Aparna, The Growth of Educational and Political Development in India, 1898-1920, Bombay, Oxford University Press, 1974.

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Bœl, J. Christian Mission in India : a sociological analysis, Amsterdam, Academische Pers, 1975.

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Campbell, George. Memoirs of My Indian Career. London, Macmillan, 1893.

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Cowan, Minna G. The Education of the Women of India. Edinburgh, Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1912.

Croft, Alfred. Review of Education in India in 1886 : with special reference to the report of the Education Commission by Alfred Croft. Calcutta, Government Printing, 1888.

Dayal, Bhagwan. The Development of Modern Indian Education. Bombay, Orient Longmans, 1955.

Desai, Chitra. Girls School Education and Social Change. Bombay, A. R. Sheth, 1976.

Dharampal. The Beautiful Tree : indigenous education in the eighteenth century. New Delhi, Biblia Impex, 1983.

Dirks, Nicholas B. Castes of Mind : colonialism and the making of modern India. Princeton, Princeton Univ. Press, 2001.

Dutt, Romesh Chunder. Economic History of India Under Early British Rule. London, K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co, 1908.

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Fleming, D. J. The Social Mission of the Church in India. Calcutta, YMCA Publishing House, 1913.

Fraser, Lovat. India Under Curzon and After. London, William Heinemann, 1911.

Gandhi, M.K. My Views on Education. Bomaby, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1970.

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Hardgrave, Robert L. The Nadars of Tamilnadu. California, University of California Press, 1969.

Hartog, Philip. Some Aspects of Indian Education Past and Present. London, Oxford University Press, 1939.

Heber, Reginald. Narrative of a Journey Through the Upper Provinces of India. London, J. Murray, 1828.

Howell, Arthur Pearse. Education in British India : prior to 1854, and in 1870-71. Calcutta, Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, 1872.

Indian Nation Builders. Madras. Ganesh & Co., 1912.

Ingham, Kenneth. Reformers in India, 1793-1833. London, Cambridge University Press, 1956.

Irschick, Eugene F. Politics and Social Conflict in South India : the non-Brahman movement and Tamil separatism, 1916-1929. Berkeley, University of California, 1969.

Jacob, J. N. The Reconstruction of the Curriculum of Elementary Schools in India. Calcutta, YMCA Publishing House, 1931.

Jaffar, S. M. Education in Muslim India. Peshawar City, S. Muhammad Sadiq Khan, 1936.

James, H. R. Education and Statesmanship in India, 1797 to 1910. London, Longmans Green & Co., 1917.

Jeyasekaran, T. Ambrose. Educational Policies of Protestant Christian Missions in South India till the end of the Nineteenth Century. New Delhi, All India Association for Christian Higher Education, 1990?

Johnston, James. Our Educational Policy in India : a vital question for the government and church. Edinburgh, J. Maclaren & Son, 1879.

Kandaswamy, O. Chetty. Dr. William Miller. Madras, Christian Literature Society for India, 1924.

Kini, Kulai Narayana. Report on the Educational Survey in Mysore, Kadur and Bangalore Districts and Bangalore City, 1927-1928. Bangalore, The Government Press, 1929.

Kothari Commission : recommendations and evaluation. Meerut, International Pub. House, 1967.

Krishna Kumar. Political Agenda of Education. New Delhi, Sage Publications, 1991.

Kunhan Raja, C. Some Aspects of Education in Ancient India. Adyar, Adyar Library, 1950.

Laird, M. A. Missionaries and Education in Bengal, 1793-1837. London, Clarenden Press, 1972.

Lajpat Rai, Lala. The Problem of National Education in India. London, G. Allen & Unwin, 1920.

Limaye, P.M. The History of the Deccan Education Society. Poona, Deccan Educational Society, 1935.

Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay. Macaulay’s Minutes on Education in India : written in the years 1835, 1836, and 1837 and now first collected from records in the Department of Public Instruction. Calcutta, Baptist Mission Press, 1862.

Madras District Gazetteer. Madras, Govt. Press, 1905-1934.

Manshardt, Clifford. Social Settlement as an Educational Factor in India. Calcutta, YMCA Publishing House, 1932.

Manual of the Administration of Madras Presidency : in illustration of the records of government & the yearly administration reports. Madras, Govt. Press, 1885-1893.

Mathew, A. Christian Missions, Education and Nationalism : from dominance to compromise 1870-1930. Delhi, Anamika Prakashan, 1988.

Mathur, Y. B. Women’s Education, 1813-1966. Bombay, Asia Publishing House, 1973.

Mayhew, Arthur. The Education of India : a study of British educational policy in India, 1835-1920, and of its bearing on national life and problems in India to-day. London, Faber and Gwyer, 1926.

Mayhew, Arthur. The Education of India. London, Faber and Gwyer, 1926.

Mazumdar, Amvika Charan. Indian National Evolution : a study of the origin and growth of the Indian National Congress. Madras, G.A. Natesan, 1915.

Ma Caulay, B.T. English Education and the Origins of Indian Nationalism. New York, Columbia University Press, 1940.

McKee, W. J. Developing a Proper Curriculum for Village Schools in India. Calcutta, YMCA Publishing House, 1930.

Meston, W. Indian Education Policy : its principles and problems. Madras, 1936.

Miller, William. Unrest and Education in India. Edinburgh, W. Blackwood & Sons, 1911.

Misra, Lakshmi. Education of Women in India, 1921-1966. Bombay, Macmillan, 1966.

Montessori, Maria. To Educate the Human Potential. Madras, Kalakshetra, 1946.

Mukerji, Shridhar Nath. History of Education in India. Baroda, Acharya Book Depot, 1951.

Mukherji, H. The Origins of the National Education Movement. Calcutta, Jadavpur University, 1957.

Munro, Thomas. Sir Thomas Munro’s Minutes When he was the Governor Between the Years 1820-1827, Madras Presidency.

Murdoch, John. Education as a Missionary Agency in India. Madras, Caleb Foster, 1872.

Murdoch, John. Education in India. Madras, C.K.S. Press, 1881.

Murdoch, John. India’s Three Great Educational Needs and How to Provide Them. Madras, SPCK, 1902.

Murdoch, John. The Call of the Twentieth Century to Awakened India. Madras, CLS, 1902.

Muthulakshmi Reddy, S. My Experience as a Legislator. Madras, Current Thought Press, 1930.

Narayanaswamy Pillai, T. M. (Ed.). Women Pioneers in Education Tamil Nadu. Madras, Society for the Promotion of Education in India, 1975.

Norton, John Bruce. The Educational Speeches of the Hon’ble John Bruce Norton, B. A. Madras, J. Higginbotham, 1866.

Note on the Administration on the Past and Present Administration of the Raja’s Chattrams. Chattrams in the Tanjore and Madura Districts. Tanjore, V. C. and Bros, 1908.

Nurullah, S. and Naik, JP. A History of Education in India (During the British Period). Bombay, Macmillan, 1951.

Oak, V. V. England’s Educational Policy in India. New York, Association Press, 1935.

Olcott, Henry S. The Poor Pariah. Madras, Addison & Co., 1902.

Panikkar, K. M. Essays on Educational Reconstruction in India. Madras, Ganesh, 1920.

Paranjpe, M. R. A Source Book of Modern Indian Education. London, Macmillan & Co., 1938.

Pascœ, C. F., Two Hundred Years of the SPG, 1701-1900. London, SPG, 1901.

Rajaram, M. Towards Quality in Educational Administration. New Delhi, Nobel Publishers, [1999?]

Row. T. Venkasami, (Ed.). A Manual of the District of Tanjore in the Madras Presidency. Madras, Lawrence Press, 1883.

Saini, S. K. Development of Education in India : socio-economic perspectives. New Delhi, Cosmo Publications, 1990.

Satthianadhan, S. History of Education in the Madras Presidency. Madras, Varadachari, 136 1894.

Second State Educational Conference. Kallupatti, Tamilnad Basic Education Society, 1974.

Sen, Jitendra Mohan. History of Elementary Education in India. Calcutta, Book Co., 1933.

Sharp, H. (Ed.). Selections from Educational Records, 1781–1839. Calcutta, Superintendent Government Printing, 1920.

Sharrock, John A. South Indian Missions. London, Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1910.

Sherring, M. A. The History of Protestant Missions in India, from their Commencement in 1706 to 1871. London, Religious Tract Society, 1884.

Siqueira, T. N. The Education of India. London, Oxford University Press, 1939.

Sita Anantha Raman. Getting girls to school : social reform in the Tamil districts, 1870-1930. Calcutta, Bhatkal Books International, 1996.

Srinivasachari , C. S. History of the city of Madras. Madras, P. Varadachary & Co. [1939].

Stark, H.A. Vernacular Education in Bengal from 1813 to 1912. Calcutta, Calcutta General Pub. Co., 1916.

Stokes, Eric. The English Utilitarians and India. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1959.

Suntharalingam, R. Politics and Nationalist Awakening in South India, 1852-1891. Tucson, Arizona, University of Arizona Press, 1974.

Swaminathaiyer, U.V. The Story of My Life ; translated into English by S.K. Guruswamy. Madras, Mahamahopadhyaya Dr. U.V. Swaminathaiyer Library, 1980.

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The Besant Theosophical School. Madras, Theosophical Publishing House.

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The Works of Lord Macaulay, edited by Lady Trevelyan, Vol. VIII. London, Longmans Green & Co., 1879.

Trevelyan, Charles E. On the Education of the People of India. London, Green & Longmans, 1838.

Vaikuntham, Y. Education and Social Change in South India: Andhra, 1880-1920, Madras, New Era, 1982.

Vakil, K. S. and S. Natarajan. Education in India. Bombay, Allied Publishers, 1966.

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Viswanathan, Gauri. Masks of Conquest : literary study and British rule in India. New York, Columbia University Press, 1989.

Whitehead, Henry. Indian Problems in Religion, Education, Politics. London, Constable & Co., 1924.

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Madras Christian College Magazine

Madras Journal of Education

Sun Flower, Women’s Christian College Magazine

Tamil Zenana